% €83.25* (13.51% saved)YaraVita® Safe-K
- Improvement of potassium supply, increase of frost hardiness
In addition to a basic supply of nutrients in line with requirements, it makes sense for nursery plants in certain vegetation stages or in the event of a specific nutrient deficiency to provide the required nutrients in the short term via foliar fertilisers. With the YaraVita® product range, Yara offers a comprehensive programme of foliar fertilisers for cultivating hardy nursery trees. YaraVita® foliar fertilisers are formulated products, i.e. particularly plant-compatible, rain-resistant and very easy to mix.
33 % water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O) - 500 g/l K2O,
additionally containing 45 g/l N, density 1.457 kg/l.
Application examples
End of September 2 applications with approx. 3 l/ha.
If there is a risk of late frost, apply approx. 3 l/ha before the frost event.
Sales unit 10.0 litre canister
Further information on the miscibility of Yara Vita products can be found at: http://www.tankmix.com